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Healing Prayer







Healing Prayer is for anyone who is suffering from past hurt, feeling bound or powerless, unable to move forward in God’s call and destiny for their lives.


You may be struggling with habits, attitudes, fears or strongholds in your life that you just can’t seem to get free of no matter how hard you try. Stronghold such as pride, fear, depression, anger, unworthiness, addictions, etc. function like chains, keeping people in bondage and unable to walk in full freedom Jesus has won for them.


Your session will be tailored to you and your issues. Our prayer minister’s approach will be gentle but thorough and will use a variety of Spirit led questions and prayer to minister to your spirit, soul and body. 

You need to submit a Pre-Session Form at least 24 hours before the booked session so that our prayer minister can prayerfully prepare the session.

Our Prayer Minister


Paul在美國堪薩斯市國際禱告殿(IHOPKC)完成了4年的先鋒事奉學校,主修預言、醫治與釋放。在美國期間,他也接觸了其他內在醫治工具,包括Theophostic Prayer Ministry,以及「經歷神同在」的醫治禱告。這段日子的經歷和學習,令他對禱告和內在醫治的事奉更有負擔。

回到香港後,Paul參加了以利亞之家(Elijah House)的201和202訓練,並在幾次密集課程中負責做小組長,在服事中繼續學習。


Paul Shi and his wife are currently living in HK with their 3-year-old daughter. He is working mainly as a translator now, and had participated in full-time ministry at a local university for 4 years in the past.

Paul has recently completed a 4-year Forerunner School of Ministry at IHOPU in Kansas City International House of Prayer, majoring in Prophecy, Healing and Deliverance. During that time, he also learnt other healing tools like Theophostic Prayer Ministry and “Encountering God” healing prayer. The learning and personal experience in that season have increased his burden for prayer and inner healing ministry.

Back to HK, Paul has gone through training courses 201 & 202 from Elijah House. After that, he served as small group leader in several local intensive courses to put his learning into practice.

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